Saturday 26 November 2011

The flight

Well, I've been watching the recent discussions about kids on planes.  Lots of debate on and even on the Middle Seat column in the WSJ.
Max and I flew cattle class Sydney to Dubai.  There must have been 8 kids within reach in our section.  One or other of these kids screamed every 15 mins on the flight.  Two of them are potential opera stars cause boy did . .  Apart from that the flight was uneventfull.  I guess that's a recommendation for Emirates and the A380
.they have good lungs! Most people I spoke to on the flight couldn't talk about anything else

Thursday 24 November 2011

The off!

Well today is it.

At 9:45pm tonight Max and I head off into the wild blue yonder on the start of our Cairo to Casablanca adventure.  We plan to fly into Cairo, Egypt then travel by land through Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and then Morocco.

Where possible we will use local transport, local accom and and food. I aim to update this blog regularly with comments on the days and some photos.  But available internet access may have an impact on that. EG: we will be spending two days in the Hoggar Mountains in Algeria. There's not even mobile access let alone internet!

Wish us well!  And keep an eye out, the ransom demands may be genuine :-)